Tuesday 1 February 2022

Epistle 27


My friend     01312022
Much has emerged during the past few hours. After heavy downpour yesterday, this morning we have patches of blue sky and sunshine. I drove the car for the first time in a month to visit a Dr. and jaywalked successfully. Small towns are good for that.
A change in perspective has been encouraging as well. Who would have thought the simple act of 'signing' a pledge on some random website could solidify and resolve the already fertile ground of my mind. Commitment is like that! The Children's Fire.
Last evening I applied to a fellowship I was offered by email.
The process was inspiring and enlightening, I sent it out to contacts who might be working towards alternative possibilities. I feel a strong sense of foundation in the principle or law or basic understanding that humanity/me and everyone else could hold sacred  both women/womyn and all those birthed, including the trees and herbs, mushrooms, landscapes, mountains and water. How many times will it need to be said that we are all related until it lands? Until it is understood and acted from.
Our acting out, 'mental disturbances' rage and suicide, rape and addictions are symptoms of disconnection. All this 'structure' around us, The military industrial complex managing systems; running supply chains of goods and services, employing thousands of people in a self perpetuating spiral into entropy and oblivion as we ravish the planet in a cannabilistic orgy of chaotic ignorance. Sad.
I find hard not to write about this travesty, I have skin in the game as they say and this conversation allows me to fine tune my thinking and understanding. Creating possibilities for articulating relevant wisdom to share from gleanings and experience.
There is within us all, one thing.
A desire to participate in the living of life.
 A child is born into whatever circumstance, surrounded by various related characters, or not, plus all the inherent cultural and environmental constructs of the period that soul/spirit manifests currently. Whatever shore that seed washes up on, however it became fertile and germinated, it wants to thrive. To mature and bear fruit. Possibly fertilize others. In an ideal world all that happens. Unfortunately trauma and domination have interupted the flow. And have been doing so for millenia. Within the history are lies. Manipulations and suppression. Stories, entrenched beliefs, attachments and structures.
 I hold out hope and trust that the consciousness of humanity is big enough to transition towards an egalitarian, respectful engagement, leading to cohesive harmonious community. Polarity is uncomfortable but has the potential to encourage the emergence of realistic replacements for dysfunctional structures through the chaos and destruction of traumatizing systems. There are places on this great spiral, moments of ignition or collapse. They are always there, waiting for enough focus and intention, group mind, alignment and affinity. We are approaching these moments. And they pass by unnoticed until the energy is felt in enough people that they act.
The algorithms are birthing something as well and we need to pay attention to how easily we are hijacked by the economic engines driving the bus. And where it is taking us.
So many intersecting subjects.
Virtual reality interfacing with the 'real' world.
Who speaks for life itself?
I do.
Be well

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